Warning please read ahead and be sure you are confident of using this DIY technique. Missuse of this technique can cause serious damage to your carpet fibres. If you are unsure you should call a carpet cleaning professional like Surface Master to remove the stain.
Scoop off as much of the wax as you can with a knife or spoon. You need to be very careful not to be to aggressive when scraping out the wax as you can easily cause permanent damage to the carpet fibers. Putting ice or an ice pack into a plastic bag and resting over the wax will help set it solid and make it easier to remove during this process.
The best method for removing the rest of the wax is via a heap method using a hot iron. You must be very careful if you are going to use this process as it is very easy to destroy carpet fibers with a hot iron. Some carpet fibers will take a lot less heat before causing damage.
Brown paper like the type from a brown paper bag or white towel folded over will soak up candle wax as it melts when applied with heat from the iron. Keep moving the paper or towel to a new spot to soak up more wax each time you apply the heat from the iron. Once you have soaked up as much wax as you can from the carpet this process is complete.
If the is colour residue in the carpet use an all-round carpet spotter or a very small amount of dish washing liquid in a sponge or via spray bottle and moisten the area so that it is damp with the product. Use a clean dry white towel or cloth and sit it on the surface of the area to soak up the solution and hopefully the colour residue. While the cloth is on the surface use a blotting motion r push down with your hand to help soak up the solution into the towel.
The final step is to use a fresh dry white towel folded over into a square big enough to cover the area. Place something heavy on top of the towel to weight it down and then leave like this overnight. This process will allow any moisture and residue to pass up through the carpet fibers and into the towel as it dries out.