Looking for a Cleaner Carpet Cleaner? In this blog, we will explain ways to choose a cleaner carpet cleaner without just randomly choosing the best price or first name that pops up in a Google search and hope you get a good result. Not all carpet cleaners are the same and we help explain why.
Well we have all done this and it is very tempting to try and save money and hope for the best, but the following is just a few of the reasons why cheapest is not always best. I am sure a lot of you that read this blog will see something that rings true from Carpet Cleaners that you have used in the past – good or bad.
Carpet Cleaners that advertise very low prices are relying on doing a lot of Carpet Cleaning each day and the goal is to get your Carpet Cleaning done in the fastest possible time so they get onto the next job and make more money. This often results in wetter carpet and stains that could have been removed if extra time was spent.
Carpet Cleaners that offer the cheapest rates often run portable equipment similar to the type you can rent from the shop yourself. These machines often only run hot water taken from your tap, which is not enough to do a professional job. They also don’t have the suction that a more expensive truck mounted unit has, so they can leave your carpets wetter when finished.
How does a Carpet Cleaner make money when they clean at very low rates? There are many answers to this question but the most common answer is that they use the cheapest possible cleaning solutions if they use any at all. Also, a professional cleaner will use a rinsing solution when extracting the cleaner off your floor. If this is not done, a sticky residue can be left behind. This residue actually attracts dirt, and makes your carpets look dirtier, faster.
Some Carpet cleaners will come to your home and then tell you that they need to use a special high grade cleaner as their lower price is for basic cleaning and next thing you know your cheap carpet clean has gotten very expensive.
Some information, for renters especially, who wonder why their carpet has a black mark all around the edge in every room. This is from previous carpet cleaners who spray the cleaning product to the edge of the carpet but then don’t rinse it out enough, leaving a sticky residue behind. This carpet clean can look good on the day but over the next year will cling onto all the dirt and dust causing this black line. This black line is very hard to remove once it is there so its best to avoid getting it if you can.
Well of course, call Surface Master!